Thanks to the Salem News (OH), Lisbon Morning Journal (OH), and East Liverpool Review (OH) for carrying my op-ed in which I discuss why the grid is in real trouble this summer due to early coal power plant retirements.
Category Archives: Electric Grid
Media Alert!
Thanks to the Grand Junction Sentinel (Colo.) for carrying my op-ed on how early retirements of coal power plants threaten to create energy shortages because wind and solar is not being built fast enough to keep up.
Media Alert!
Thanks to the Wahpeton Daily News (N.Dak.), Johnstown Tribune Democrat (Pa.), Deming Headlight (N.M.), and Yahoo!sports News (USA), for carrying my new op-ed on how the reliability of the grid could be in trouble this summer.
Media Alert!
Thanks to the Northwest Signal (OH) and Bryan Times (OH) for carrying my op-ed on how the power grid is facing real trouble.
Media Alert!
Thanks to the St. Joseph News Press (Mo.), Colorado Springs Gazette (Colo.), Roanoke Times (Va.), (USA), Elko Daily Free Press (Nev.), Casper Star Tribune (Wyo.) and Waco Tribune Herald (Texas) for carrying my new op-ed, “America’s power grid facing real trouble.”
Media Alert!
Thanks to the Pottstown Mercury (Pa.), Exton Daily Local (Pa.), Swarthmore Times Herald (Pa.), Lansdale Reporter (Pa.), Delaware County Daily Times (Pa.), Mainline Times and Suburban (Pa.), Yahoo News (USA), Wichita Falls Times Record News (Texas) and The Trentonian (N.J.) for carrying my new op-ed in which I argue that we need to rethink the role existing coal plants can play in getting us to our energy future.
U.S. must learn from Europe’s energy crisis 4
Thanks to the Culpeper Star Exponent (Va.), Huntington Herald Dispatch (W.Va.), Wichita Falls Times Record News (Texas), Yahoo News (USA), (USA), Fort Myers News Press (Fla.) and Naples Daily Review (Fla.) For carrying my new op-ed on why the U.S. must learn from Europe’s energy crisis.
U.S. must learn from Europe’s energy crisis 3
Thanks to the Clermont Sun (Ohio) and The Bryan Times (Ohio) for carrying my new op-ed on the lessons the U.S. must learn from Europe’s energy crisis.
U.S. Must Learn from Europe’s Energy Crisis
Thanks to The Trentonian (N.J.), Pottstown Mercury (Pa.), Exton Daily Local (Pa.), Swarthmore Times Herald (Pa.), Lansdale Reporter (Pa.), Delaware County Daily Times (Pa.) and Mainline Times and Suburban (Pa.) for carrying my op-ed asserting if the U.S. is to maintain affordable, reliable power during the coming energy transition, policymakers must be careful not to eliminate essential coal and nuclear power capacity before reliable alternatives are in place.
Manhattan Contrarian: Useless Green Energy Hitting The Wall
Over at the Manhattan Contrarian, Francis Menton points out the limitations of renewable energy. It’s a great read! Here’s the introductory paragraph:
In the field of litigation settlements, people sometimes talk about a “win, win” scenario — a settlement structure where both sides can get some advantage and simultaneously claim victory. By that criterion, what is “green” energy (aka intermittent wind and solar power)? The public pays hundreds of billions of dollars of subsidies to get the things built, and in return it gets: sudden shortages and soaring prices for coal, oil, gas and electricity; and dramatically reduced reliability of the electrical grid, leading to periodic blackouts and risks of many more of same; and despite it all fossil fuel use doesn’t go down. It’s a “lose, lose, lose.”
Europe’s warning of what’s to come
Thanks to The Trentonian (N.J.), Northwest Indiana Times (Ind.), Bakersfield Californian (Calif.) and St. Joseph News Press (Mo.) for carrying my op-ed on how the energy transition must be carefully planned to safeguard electricity reliability and affordability.
Global energy crisis could leave Americans in the lurch
Thanks to the Pottstown Mercury (Pa.), Exton Daily Local (Pa.), Swarthmore Times Herald (Pa.), Lansdale Reporter (Pa.), Delaware County Daily Times (Pa.) and Mainline Times and Suburban (Pa.) for carrying my new op-ed arguing that the current energy transition must be carefully planned to safeguard electricity reliability and affordability.
A Little Arithmetic: The Costs Of A Solar-Powered Grid Without Fossil Fuel Back-up
Over at the Manhattan Contrarian, Francis Menton has penned a thoughtful piece on the true costs of a solar-powered grid without fossil fuel back-up. Hint: it would be extremely expensive.
Could the California and Texas Blackouts Be Coming To Your State? (3)
Thanks to the Greeley Tribune (Colo.), Salem News (Ohio), East Liverpool Review (Ohio) and Lisbon Morning Journal (Ohio) for publishing my new op-ed opining that adding more wind and solar—and failing to value the reliability afforded by existing coal, nuclear, and natural gas generation—could be a recipe for disaster.
Are the California and Texas blackouts coming to your state? (2)
Thanks to the following newspapers for publishing my new op-ed on the new risk of blackouts this summer!
Pottstown Mercury, Swarthmore Times Herald, Lansdale Reporter, Delaware County Daily Times, Phoenix Reporter and Item, Mainline Times, Montgomery News, and Exton Daily Local.
Are the California and Texas blackouts coming to your state?
Thanks to the Fort Myers News-Press and the Naples Daily News for carrying my new op-ed on the real risk of increasing blackouts if we transition to intermittent forms of energy too quickly. We need power markets that value baseload generation (coal, nuclear, natural gas) that can reliably produce energy 24/7 and will be there when we need them.
With Its Power Grid On The Verge Of Failure, California Begs Residents To Change Their EV Charging Routines
Over at ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden reports that California’s plans to become an environmental and socialist utopia are running face first into reality.
The latest dose of reality came this week when the state, facing triple digit temperatures, began to “fret” about pressure on the state’s power grid as a result of everybody charging their electric vehicles all at once.
The state’s power grid operators have been telling residents to “relieve pressure” from the grid by charging their EVs at off-peak hours, Newsweek wrote.
The entire article is a great read!
Manhattan Contrarian: Texas Starts Waking Up To The Issue Of The Full Costs Of “Renewables”
Over at the Manhattan Contrarian, Francis Menton has a thoughtful post on the full costs of renewables that should be of great interest to electric utility ratepayers.
Texas grid failure shows need for reliable electricity
Thanks to the Greeley Tribune (CO) and the Arizona Capitol Times (AZ) for carrying my new op-ed in which I argue that coal and nuclear power are necessary for grid reliability during periods of uncooperative weather.
Texas grid failure shows need for reliable electricity
Thanks to the Elko Daily Free Press (NV), Montgomery News (PA), Colorado Springs Gazette (CO), Deming Headlight (NM) and Eaton Express Times (PA) for carrying my op-ed on the necessity of coal fired generation during extreme weather conditions.