In the news today…
- E&E Greenwire reports EIA Wednesday reported more than half of all American coal mines closed during the worst decade for coal in modern memory. In 2008, there were 1,435 coal mines in the United States. By the end of 2017, there were 671.
- POLITICO Pro reports EPA Wednesday said it will extend the comment period on its December proposal rolling back carbon dioxide emissions limits for future coal-fired power plants because of the recent government shutdown, though it has not yet picked a specific date.
- E&E Energywire reports two remaining coal-fueled units at the San Juan Generating Station in New Mexico may retire by the end of 2022.
- S&P Global Platts reports Santee Cooper, South Carolina’s state-owned utility, has no plans to retire its 1,260-MW Winyah coal-fired power plant near Georgetown despite calls by its largest customer to do so, Santee Cooper spokeswoman Molly Gore said Wednesday.
- Casper Star Tribune reports Wyoming’s coal mine workforce fell by 137 employees in 2018, with the state’s coal mines producing 304 million short tons of coal, a drop of about 12 million from the previous year, according to MSHA.
- Argus reports coal-fired generation rose by nearly 2% across the U.S. in November as cold weather increased residential heating demand, EIA reports.