In the news today…
- E&E Energywire reports Willie Phillips, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s acting chair, outlined plans to bolster the electric grid during a House hearing Tuesday that was marked by Republican concerns about power plant closures.
- Reuters reports that power use in Texas will break records this week as homes and businesses crank up their air conditioners to escape the first heat wave of the 2023 summer season, the state’s power grid operator projected on Tuesday.
- KWCH reports Kansas regulators approve plans allowing the proposed Grain Belt Express transmission project to traverse 370 miles of the state.
- Argus reports a federal appeals court has upheld a permit allowing GCC Energy to expand its King II mine in the Dunn Ranch area of La Plata County, Colorado.
- E&E Climatewire reports EPA’s new proposal to cut carbon pollution from power plants relies on two technologies that are broadly opposed by environmental justice advocates.