In the news today and from the weekend…
- Inside EPA reports EPA formalized a new rule relating to MATS which critics say will help EPA justify not issuing stricter air rules.
- Politico Pro reports fears over the new MATS rule are greatly exaggerated.
- Utility Dive and Reuters report the revised MATS rule may open the door to future changes to air rules.
- E&E Daily reports some Republicans have broken ranks to come out against the revised MATS rule.
- Axios and Latrobe Bulletin report the coronavirus crisis is accelerating the decline of coal.
- Utility Dive reports FERC denied a rehearing of MOPR.
- E&E Daily reports eight Democratic senators have asked the Trump administration to issue an emergency safety standard to protect miners during the novel coronavirus pandemic.
- E&E Energywire reports coal is taking the brunt of the impact from the novel coronavirus in the energy sector.
- The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports FERC has been trying to prop up the nuclear industry over the past few months, but success to bail it out is mixed.
- E&E Energywire reports uranium prices are skyrocketing during the COVID-19 pandemic despite mine shutdowns.
- CNBC reports that Goldman Sachs analysts don’t assume energy-related emissions will fully rebound after the pandemic, suggesting the world may have already reached peak carbon for energy.
- The Des Moines Register reports that wind has surpassed coal as the largest source of electricity in Iowa, according to a national wind energy trade group.