In the news today…
- WV Metro News reports coal mining has slowed, but not stopped, amid the coronavirus outbreak.
- Billings Gazette reports documents show that NorthWestern Energy has agreed to let Unit 3 of the Colstrip power plant in Montana be shut down in exchange for a larger stake of Unit 4.
- The Times West Virginian reports coal mines are prime spreading grounds for COVID-19.
- WIRED reports the operators of Arizona’s Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station have had to adapt their refueling plans because of the coronavirus outbreak.
- reports Nevada Copper has temporarily suspended production at its Pumpkin Hollow project as a result of stringent travel and workplace restrictions imposed by state government.
- reports Ely Gold Royalties will expand its Tonopah West property in Nevada.
- E&E Greenwire reports environmentalists and congressional Democrats say the White House favored the fossil fuel industry when rewriting the rules surrounding NEPA.