In the news today…
- Utility Dive reports the majority of coal-fired power in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) was self-scheduled and 88% was dispatched economically from 2017 to 2019, according to an April analysis from the grid operator.
- S&P Global reports COVID-19 has not changed plans for coal power plant retirements.
- The Chattanooga Times Free Press reports for the first time in more than six decades, the Tennessee Valley Authority got more power from renewable sources than from burning coal during the first three months of 2020.
- E&E Energywire reports North Dakota’s Coal Creek Station, a workhorse of the Upper Midwest power fleet, will burn its final ton of lignite in a couple of years following a decision announced yesterday that underscores the industry’s struggle to survive.
- Nevada Current carries an op-ed which argues that mining corporations Newmont and Barrick should be taxed more to support Nevada during the COVID-19 crisis.
- Reuters reports a coalition of 14 environmental groups and outdoor recreation businesses sued BLM and the Forest Service on Wednesday in Washington D.C. federal court over their renewal of mining leases in Minnesota.
- E&E Energywire reports nuclear plants across the nation are facing a challenge of trying to maintain social distancing while moving forward with massive operations during the pandemic.